learn about our history

About Us

A growth oriented water meters manufacturer and distributer in Southern Africa. Aquanza Water Meters is tailored to partner housing and industry developments first in the South African market and in the South African region. The company was established in 2018 under registration 2018/272622/07. The company has acquired core success factors in the water meter section including an assembly line, laboratory, workshop, warehouse and information assets in order to streamline its products. Requisite talent has been identified to exploit opportunities in the water meter sector were tremendous market growth is anticipated as both the private and public sector make moves to satisfy the housing demand.


Strategic intent

A dominant water meter solution provider for Southern Africa.


Vision statement

To be the preferred turnkey water meter solutions provider in South Africa and Beyond.


Mission Statement

We are preferred because we continuously improve our service, product, process and people.

“Let us be your reliable measurement partner.”

Aquanza Water Meters

learn about our team

Our Team

Edward Koos Scheepers (Director)

An entrepreneur of note having successfully established and steered a fast growing company in the construction sector, he is now looking to diversify into the water meter business. He is not a stranger to water meters having distributed them as part of his commodity broking portfolio. He now sees the potential in the water meter sector driven by housing developments and is positioning to exploit the opportunity by establishing a water meter manufacturing and distribution company.

Jones Rakhuna Matlhoko (Managing Director)

A result oriented sales engineer with thorough knowledge, experience and contacts in the water meter sector. Rakhuna is qualified in chemical engineering and marketing with about 10 years of experience in water meter marketing and sales. He left employment to create a lever off his experience and knowledge by starting a water meter manufacturing and distribution business. He believes entrepreneurship is the way to create more value for himself and the sector.